Sunday, July 26, 2009

Galactuc (something warm)

wanting only
something warm and
comfortable on
nights when the wind
is chilled and the
sheets are an expanse
of glacial river
leading into what seems
to be eternity...
something warm.

giving way to
any damn thing...
blessings turn to
curses and the
game that begins
at the outset becomes
the rules of engagement
for the war that
erupts spontaneous and
leaves one bloody and
the other bitter and
something warm. becoming
a precursor to
the herald of
a Galactus in
real time,
a world eater,
a global destroyer
especially for those
who've become the
center of their
own universe...
loneliness will
do that to a soul.
something warm.

sunlight is
the spikes that
pierce palms,
soles and
leaving one
martyred again
on sodden sheets,
once with cyprin,
semen and sweat,
now with tears,
blood and regrets...
cold in this
arctic reality,
all from once again
recycling fantasies,
about something

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